22.2.2009 | 18:27
Amal Tamimi is is running for 2 or 3 seat in the primary elections of The primary elections of the Social Democrat Alliance for the South - Western constituency
Amal Tamimi, director of Equality House is running for 2 or 3 seat in the primary elections of The Social Democrat Alliance for the South-western constituency. Amal is chairperson of the Democracy and Equality Committee in Hafnarfjörður, vice-chair of the Immigration Council, on the board of the Womens Movement of the Social Democrat Alliance and one of the founders of W.O.M.E.N. Amal moved to Iceland from Palestine in 1995 and received Icelandic citizenship in 2002. Amal has 6 children.
I want to work on strengthening and securing the earnings of low-income groups such as senior citizens, handicapped and single parents and also the position of young families. I want to work for those who have had to take the brunt of the economic instability which is sweeping over Iceland. Many people have recently lost their jobs and it looks like un-employment will increase in the future. We must ensure the well-being of these people, says Amal. Amal understands what it means to be a part of the minority in Iceland. When I moved to Iceland I had to work long and hard to provide for my family. I worked long hours in demanding physical labour for instance in fish, and in cleaning. In 2000 I was declared disabled. I then began studying sociology at the University of Iceland and graduated with a BA in 2004. In 2002 I received Icelandic citizenship, a day I shall never forget. I was part of this country and was eligible to participate in all aspects of Icelandic society such as voting and running for public office. I have tried to actively participate in society and I am ready, willing, and able to work on building a just and fair society.
I want to work on strengthening and securing the earnings of low-income groups such as senior citizens, handicapped and single parents and also the position of young families. I want to work for those who have had to take the brunt of the economic instability which is sweeping over Iceland. Many people have recently lost their jobs and it looks like un-employment will increase in the future. We must ensure the well-being of these people, says Amal. Amal understands what it means to be a part of the minority in Iceland. When I moved to Iceland I had to work long and hard to provide for my family. I worked long hours in demanding physical labour for instance in fish, and in cleaning. In 2000 I was declared disabled. I then began studying sociology at the University of Iceland and graduated with a BA in 2004. In 2002 I received Icelandic citizenship, a day I shall never forget. I was part of this country and was eligible to participate in all aspects of Icelandic society such as voting and running for public office. I have tried to actively participate in society and I am ready, willing, and able to work on building a just and fair society.
Gangi þér vel Amal
Kveðja Helena Mjöll;)
Helena Mjöll Jóhannsdóttir, 25.2.2009 kl. 15:32
Gangi þér vel
Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir, 26.2.2009 kl. 22:41
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