the immigrants jobs

i decided to start writing on my blogg again, since i did not do it for a long time and i feel that i need to speak about many things in my life which i have to discuss.

i want to start speaking about immigrants. their lives, what do they face everyday life. try to let the others understand the difficulties with immigrants to be part of the society, and now I will start to speak about the jobs for immigrants .. why it is difficult for an immigrant to get a job, is it realy because of the language or is it the integration itself, because the immigrant person does not know the people who knows people?? let us speak about this and discuss it in an open minded discussion, in this case i am not speaking about jobs at fish factories or cleaning.

 how many of you thinks that if there is a little problem with the writing Icelandic would not be a real reason no to hire the person as long as he is qualified with educaiton, experience and all what is needed for that job

how many of you thinks that the name of immigrant is a reason for not getting the job, even without inviting him to an interview because of his name.

can we start this discussion with open minded fótbolti,mamma,og ažena 016 

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